Do you have a donate button on your Masjid or Islamic School website like this one?

Donate button

You could be missing out on a whole lot of donations!

With the

Sunnah Hasanah Donation Meter

Experience a Jump in your Online Donations

Two New Themes for Ramadan 2024
Two Supported Integrations
* The usual marketing for a fundraising campaign is still required

Already processed over $4 Million in Online Donations

For Fewer than 10 Masjids and Islamic Schools

Ramadan is only days away


Ramadhan is here!

Equip your website with a donation meter that converts!

Built on Three Fundraising Premises

Crowdfunding Effect

When people see others donating, they are indirectly encouraged to donate so that they don't miss out


When people see an accurate reflection of your online and offline donations, they are more reassured

Sense of Urgency

When people see that your campaign is almost ending and you're nearing your goal, they feel compelled to act


Donation Meter three fundraising premises

Exploit the Crowdfunding Effect

We all know that giving is contagious ...

When some people see a fundraising campaign gaining grounds and going in the right direction, they are naturally inclined to take part and not miss out.

So why not take that to your advantage!

Remove Donor Fears

Communicate easily with visual representation of progress.


Provide transparency.


Display real-time reflection of collection.

Conquer Donor Doubts

First, you have to make the ask.


Then, you have to keep the donor motivated until they make the donation.


And did we forget shaytan who is playing with the donor's nafs 24x7 -- instilling doubts, causing to procrastinate?


And what about the distractions of this worldly life?

Created by Fundraisers for Fundraisers

No Fees Deducted

We do not deduct any processing fees, period!

Choice of Payment Options

Give donors the choice of how they want to pay -- one-time, daily, monthly

Donor Roll

List of recent donors visible on your website next to the donation meter

Donation Statistics

Display highest donations and those above a certain value to entice healthy competition

Easy on the eye

Thoughtfully designed meter to be astheatically pleasing

Embedded in Website

Embed in your website and have control over your donor information

Two Designs

Progress Bar

Designed for year-round fundraising campaigns.

Semi-circular donation meter


Optimized for time-limited campaigns, like Ramadhan and year-end.

What fundraisers say

We highly recommend the Anfiq platform and Mr. Hossam Amin for any online fundraising campaign. They were professional and available to help and assist us during our Ramadan campaign. We were 100% satisfied and will definitely consider their services again in the future.

Check out these real-life screenshots of
a previous Ramadan campaign for a Masjid in Canada

Sunnah Hasanah Meter has processed over $4 Million of online donations for masjids in Canada

Two Price Categories


US $199 . 00


CAD $269

    Standard Package Inclusions:

    • Wordpress Plugin
    • Custom PayPal Payment Gateway Link
    • Integrated with GiveWP payment platform
    • Classic Meter Design: Classic Meter Design


    US $299 . 00


    CAD $399

      Pro Package Inclusions:

      • Wordpress Plugin
      • Custom PayPal Payment Gateway Link
      • Integrated with PayPal payment platform
      • Integrated with GiveWP payment platform
      • Classic Meter Design: Classic Meter Design
      • Minaret Meter Design: Minaret Meter Design
      • Rising Fist Meter Design: Rising FIst Design

      *Massive Ramadan Offer 1: If this is your first year using the Sunnah Hasanah Donation Meter, you're eligible to pay only 25% of its annual rate!

      *Massive Ramadan Offer 2: If you are a School or Relief organization, you can get the Pro Package for the price of the Standard package!

      *All prices listed are for the 1st year. Plans renew annually at regular price.

      • Recurring donations - monthly, daily, fixed period
      • Give option to divide large amount into monthly installments
      • No Fees Deducted
      • One-line code (iframe) to embed in website
      • Works on any website
        (doesn't have to be Wordpress)
      • Uses PayPal for payment processing
      • Comes in Semi-Circular and Progress Bar Designs
      • Ramadan Bonus: “How to Prepare for a Ramadan Fundraising Campaign”
        (A coaching session aimed at preparing you for your next Ramadan fundraising campaign)

      Ramadan is only days away


      Ramadhan is here!

      In your next fundraising campaign, exploit the crowdfunding effect!

      © 9503765 Canada Inc. 2013 – 2024